Author: Abdul Vasi

Abdul Vasi is a Serial Entrepreneur, Rebellious Marketer and Technology expert. Prior to Embarking into the World of Writing and Authorship, Abdul Vasi has Several years of experience leading his company that now serves many of the most notable companies and individuals. Abdul Vasi is Passionate about helping businesses find new and innovative ways to leverage technology and marketing to facilitate rapid business growth with the help of digital marketing. He frequently shares his proven strategies and cutting-edge tactics with people. He is also a CryptoCurrency Investor, DJ, Author, Fitness Freak and a Good Husband.

Wonder Woman, a name that has been cherished by comic book lovers across the world for over 75 years. Her stories have advocated for woman empowerment. And she has always been a role model to many young girls and women. In an age when the comic book industry was ruled by Superman and Batman; Wonder Woman established a new definition of heroism. Recently, she received her own live-action movie and it has been loved by fans and critics alike. Yes! Wonder woman has been a blockbuster hit throughout theatres around different parts of the globe. It has inspired teens, tweens,…

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The road to success is never easy. Yes! It is something that you have heard all along. But this is completely true. Success will never come to you if you do not possess the will to continue your journey. Actually, the hard work and dedication are not enough if you truly want to be successful. You will have to be creative; you will have to innovate and you cannot deviate from that path. If you do then you shall fail. A dedicated worker can get up to a certain point, but if you manage to innovate and outdo yourself every…

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There is no doubt that having a list of the things that you need to do is a good gesture to keep yourself reminded of the most important things that you need to accomplish. But it keeps you from achieving greater things; it prevents you from becoming more productive. Still not convinced? Well, here are few reasons which will make you ditch your to-do list: No more excuses and delays: People always keep their to-do list updated just because they do not want to do that job by their heart. Do you need a to-do list for watching your favourite…

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No matter in what industry or what business you are, the competition in the market is higher than ever. In the present circumstances, you cannot choose to loose in any front to your competitors. Thus, you need to be always one step ahead of others so that you can always outsmart them in every way possible. Now, the process of outsmarting your competitors and gaining an advantage over them requires strategic planning and proper execution of that plan. But are you aware of what you need to do to outpace your rival? Hence, here are few steps that you can…

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Being an entrepreneur is a dream come true for many people. Many of us want to begin with a start-up of their own and to make a place in the market today with their own capabilities. But in this process, people get deluded too. What are these common entrepreneurial delusions? Have a look: The blindness of knowledge: Knowledge is blessings in the most undefined way it can. But it can be a curse too when your knowledge does not let you see through it. How can knowledge be a curse? Curse of knowledge is when an individual who is familiar…

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The art of answering calls is very important for every business organisation; it decides what kind of vibes you are providing your customers with. How would you like if someone does not rightly talk to you over the phone? Similarly, improper telephone conversations can also tick your customers off the wrong way. Hence, you need to avoid certain mistakes to keep them engaged with your business. Too many choices: Are you one of those who provides their customers with a series of different choices? If you are then it is the right time to bring a change in your communication…

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Let’s not forget that entrepreneurship is all about skills and investment. We all know that an entrepreneur needs a huge amount of capital to run his business. No doubt, it is expensive. Besides, spending lump sum amount in setting up an office and buying the required raw materials as well as equipment, an entrepreneur also needs to appoint skilled employees for handling his business. But before entering into the business world, an entrepreneur makes approximate calculations of the returns and profits he is going to gain from his business. An established entrepreneur knows the possible outcomes and expenditures of the…

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Getting Distracted as an Entrepreneur Monotony rules and destroys the entrepreneurs. Yes, you heard it right. Once you are trapped in the game of monotony you will start losing interest in your business and soon, you will start rethinking about your future aspirations. The business domain is more about repetitions and sameness. It is all because you are promising to offer particular services or commodities and so you cannot expect variations as you are going to be only assigned to those works in which you can deliver nonpareil results. So is there any other way to stop losing interest? There…

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Even if you try hard, you cannot ignore the role internet is playing to build and create a technologically advanced society. Almost everything has come online; even the process of shopping has become highly dependent on the internet. All the big brands of the world are continuously making the most of the internet by making its use in the best ways. Haven’t you seen what wonders can the social media marketing do even to a small business? With every passing day, new inventions are made that simplify our works of daily life. An entrepreneur is always under acute pressure and…

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