Bitcoin has become a term that is circulating in the mouths of everyone irrespective of their age, nationality or monetary status. Bitcoin is now being regarded as one of the most profitable investment options in the world today. As the price of Bitcoin goes on increasing with every passing day, more people are getting interested in investing in Bitcoin. But you need to remember that every investment must be made after formulating a smart strategy. It is never wise to make investments without any plan. Above all, Bitcoin is also volatile like every other investment option; so you must be…
Author: Abdul Vasi
Since its inception back in 2008, Bitcoin has been the talk of the town due to the vast array of features that it offers. It is not just a currency or a digital payment; Bitcoin is the next step in the evolution of human civilisation. Be it the decentralised network or the digital public ledger blockchain or the robust infrastructure of Bitcoin, there is no limit to the things that make it so amazing. In the recent times, people are looking forward to investing their money in Bitcoin. The idea behind investing money in Bitcoin is to earn profit due…
Bitcoin wallets can be differentiated into two main forms. Yes, you can differentiate Bitcoin wallets in cold storage and hot storage options. What do I mean by cold and hot storage options? Let’s see: COLD STORAGE Cold storage is comprised of the type of wallets that store the Bitcoins in physical forms and not in any cloud or online based storage. The cold storage can be a hardware device or a piece of paper which is not connected to the internet. The main benefit of cold storage is its security. The online wallets can become vulnerable to the hackers due…
The term Bitcoin has become highly popular these days. Most of the people are talking about Bitcoin and the opportunities that it provides. Yet there are many who do not have a clear idea of what Bitcoin is. So, what is Bitcoin? What do you think of it? To be honest, Bitcoin is one of the most revolutionary inventions of the 21st century in the field of computer science. It is a cryptocurrency. As a matter of fact, Bitcoin is the first decentralised cryptocurrency that came into existence back in 2008 and it marked the start of a new era…
Bitcoin, it is a cryptocurrency that has gained much importance in the world today. You might have been familiar with the term and you might know how great opportunities it offers in terms of investment due to the recent surge in its prices. But have you ever stopped to think how does this marvelous creation work? Well, let me tell you! As we already know, Bitcoin works on a decentralised network and it uses a public digital ledger called blockchain to keep the record of all the transactions that are taking place in its system. But how does a transaction…
Entrepreneurship is not as easy as it may sound. It is actually a very risky business. At every stage, you will have to face challenges and problems.But you will have to overcome everything that you face in this path of entrepreneurship if success is what you seek. But it is very hard to walk this perilous path without any motivation. Yes! Without proper motivation, it becomes too hard for anyone to face the challenges and overcome them. Hence, giving up is the only option that you are presented with. But is this what you want? Do you really want to…
Starting up your own business is really very risky. We know that right? Definitely, it takes a lot of planning and market research to come up with a startup. Yet most of the startup businesses fail before even making a stronghold in the market. Even after implementing thousands of strategies and spending lumpsum, the growing entrepreneurs fail to see results. Hence, many dreams are broken and people choose to give up. But, where do they go wrong? What mistakes do they commit that causes their downfall? Well, there are several reasons that can cause your startup to fail. And if…
“Health is Wealth”-This is one proverb that we all have heard several times in our lives! As we grow older, we finally start realising how real the proverb is. Health is actually your biggest wealth. And once it is gone, it is too hard to regain health. If you are an entrepreneur, you will always have to vouch for a healthy living. It is you who matters most to your company and if you become physically or mentally unfit then the chances of your business to achieve the paramount success become very unlikely. Hence, it is very important for any…
Entrepreneurship is always a very risky business. That is the reason why not everybody can become an entrepreneur.It is about taking the steps and actions that others are not brave enough to take. Entrepreneurship is about standing out from the rest of the crowd and doing things in your own way. Most often the entrepreneurs find themselves in situations where they need to make crucial decisions. The right decision will help you to attain immense success and the wrong one will destroy your dream of being an entrepreneur. It takes a lot of courage to adhere to your dream and move…