The world around us has changed rapidly since the introduction of the blockchain. The blockchain technology led to the development of Bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency market received a boost start. Today the cryptocurrency market has expanded beyond everyone’s fathom and has a market capitalisation calculated in billions. Though there are several cryptocurrencies available on the market, not everyone has succeeded in leaving a mark on the industry. If you are thinking of investing in cryptocurrency, you must always consider one thing. You must always need to invest in the ones with good market share and trust of the people.…
Author: Abdul Vasi
Preface: So, I celebrated my 39th birthday this year. Many people will say that I am getting old since I am slowly approaching towards my 40s. But I would like to differ. I like to think of it as a beginning of a new chapter in my life. As I got to the 39th milestone of my life, I have become more experienced and have gained a new outlook on life. Now, I have become far better at taking crucial decisions as well as making important choices. I have a clear idea now about what I want as well as…
Bitcoin has been one of the most debated topics across the world for quite some time now. It was created back in 2008 by one or a group of individuals under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin immediately appealed to people for all the prospects that it offers. So, what is Bitcoin? Well, it is well known that Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that runs on the innovative blockchain technology. It is better to call it the first decentralized cryptocurrency ever to utilize blockchain. It is completely based on cryptographic algorithms that come with military grade encryptions. Being decentralized, Bitcoin gives the…
The world of business has changed rapidly over the last few years. As the things around us become more digitalized with every passing day, the businesses also need to update their strategists to remain relevant to their customers. One of such things that the businesses today can do is to start accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment. Though the word cryptocurrency did not have much relevance a decade ago, now cryptocurrencies are dominating the market with their extraordinary features. But why are we asking you to start accepting cryptocurrency as payment from customers? Well, there are several things that…
The concept of blockchain first appeared in the paper “Bitcoin: A peer to peer electronic cash system” that Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin published in the year 2008. The blockchain was presented to the world as a public distributed ledger that helps you to transfer money securely by being virtually impossible to be tampered with by any third party. As the technology became popular, people started understanding its importance and labeled it as one of the most crucial inventions in the field of computer science. Though the blockchain is a public distributed ledger, it is completely decentralised. Plus, it…
The blockchain technology is undoubtedly one of the most talked about technologies in the world today. While most people consider it as one of the most important inventions, few experts have debated about the security of blockchain. Theoretically, blockchain is virtually impossible to tamper with. It comes with multiple layers of military grade encryption. Thus, it is completely protected from any third-party interference. But how secure is blockchain in reality? There is a big difference between theoretical assumptions and reality. So, it is time for us to find out the actual reality behind blockchain. Blockchain was invented for secure storage…
With the passage of time, the ICOs or Initial Coin Offerings have become highly popular as a way to raise funds without being subjected to various restrictions of the fiat financing process. As a matter of fact, the ICOs have managed to raise a behemoth amount of $6.5 billion in 2017 and they have already raised $2 billion in this year as of March 2018. Most of the ICOs depend on Etherum as a stable platform and utilize Etherum’s smart contacts feature. Actually, the shares in the ICO project are generally sold in the form of BTC or ETH and…
A free as well as open-source client-oriented interface, MyEtherWallet lets you directly interact with the Etherum blockchain with the help of a web browser. Launched back in 2015, this online application allows users to generate a web wallet where you will be able to store, send as well as receive Etherum, Etherum Classic and several other ERC20 tokens without any hassle. It is very easy to use and the interface is completely user-friendly. How does this wallet work? Though the wallet on MEW is created online, it is unlike any other online wallets you have seen before. As a matter…
One of the largest currencies in the world today, Bitcoin has offered great prospects to traders as well as investors. With every passing day, people are getting more interested in Bitcoin and they look forward to utilising it to earn some profits. However, people often confuse Bitcoin investing with Bitcoin trading. In reality, trading is much different from investing. Thus, before we go into details about techniques and mistakes of Bitcoin trading; it is better to give you a brief idea about what it actually is. Bitcoin investors are generally the people who believe in the technology and ideology of…